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UltraMIT Bottle - Premier Kratom Extract for Energy and Focus.

Product Details

UltraMIT: The Pinnacle of Kratom Excellence

Introducing UltraMIT by MIT45, their most abundant kratom product crafted from over a decade of expertise. Featuring a high-percentage mitragynine extract, UltraMIT is the perfect choice for those seeking enhanced energy and focus. Experience the zenith of kratom quality with UltraMIT, a testament to our commitment to excellence.

UltraMIT Ingredients:

  • A refined mixture of Vegetable Glycerin, Filtered Water, Citric Acid, and premium Kratom Extract ensures a pure and potent experience.

UltraMIT Usage Recommendations:

  • Potency: Each bottle boasts 300mg of Mitragyna speciosa extract, tailored for 7-15 servings.
  • Guided Use: Begin with 1 full dropper, and, as you gauge your tolerance, you may increase to 2 full droppers (2ml) for a more profound effect.
  • For the Connoisseur: UltraMIT is specifically formulated for those with a deep understanding and experience of kratom. Consumption should be approached with mindfulness and responsibility.

ultra Mit45 kratom shot Product Facts

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